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Is there really the' "great resignation" trend?

business success dream-builder fulfillment self-improvement
Image of a professional presenting resignation at the office desk

I decided to create a quick worksheet designed to navigate transitions with more clarity.

Why do I offer it? In the last couple of days, I took time off. I had the opportunity to talk to beautiful people. What struck me in those conversations was the common denominator and the topic. The common denominator here is that all I talk to are in the second half of life, and they experienced a shift in their lives. Some lost a job, some lost relationships and some decided to retire or change their career. All of them are looking to create a new future that is more fulfilling and are seeking clarity. In my life, I went through life shifts many times. I immigrated twice. I lost my business income twice; I lost my partners. Every time something like that happened, being on my own, I had to reinvent myself in my life. You may say I am a "life-change ninja" :-) I came out with more clarity. I experienced involuntary shifts that forced me to find a new path and clarified my life's purpose, mission, and values. But we all know life is a constant change the reason why involuntary life shifts are challenging it's because we are not prepared; we don't have the vision of the new future already there to seamlessly step on the new path. The life shifts I had to go through in the second half of my life train me, and I developed a strategy for dealing with voluntary and involuntary life shifts. I think it's a well-known fact that to get somewhere; we need to know where it is. So for all of us who are now re-designing our life into new improvement, the path begins with asking some questions. I am coaching people who want to build a better life, and If you are at a crossroads in life, you need to ask yourself questions only you can answer. Here are the first four questions that may help you define the direction of the life improvement you desire to experience and turn the challenging time into a life that is by your design. Once you sign in, you'll need to sit down, take time for yourself and your life, think through the answers, and write them down. (No worries, the directions are in the guide - and the FREE Guide is my gift to you with much love and encouragement for you to go for your dreams and build the life to your design.) You are born to thrive! here is the link to the guide

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