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👉 Two main themes govern digital marketing success.

digital marketing

Digital marketing success is more than posting pictures on social media.

To succeed in digital marketing requires the business owners to rethink and transform how they manage their business inward and outward.

Two main themes govern digital marketing success and who understands this rule will have the business everybody loves.

Value and Transparency.

People buy from people, and the business must become personified and transparent to build trust and develop a relationship with its audience.

The K-L-T approach.

  • When you begin to build your online presence, you must realize that you are "seen" by people who do not know you.
  • So the first objective is to allow your ideal audience to get to KNOW you. (Be clear about your customer avatar before you post anything)
  • When they LIKE what you share the relationship develops to the next level (yes it's like dating :)
  • Only when you satisfy the first two steps, there will be TRUST so far that they are ready to try your product or service.

Here is the 3-step KLT approach in a nutshell:

  1. fist step: meet your clients where they hang out online so they can get to know you
  2. second step: be consistent in your messaging so they can deepen the relationship and start to like you
  3. third step: as you continue to post continuously and consistently, your audience can count on you and develop trust

Only when you complete these first three steps, there will be a relationship to the prospects strong enough that they will be ready to try the service or product.



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