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😊30-Day Business Challenge Day 22: get in the Web-presence game the smart way.

trends2018 web-presence

Get Online with a smart web-presence!

In the online marketing part of your business, it's all about focused action.

You must

  1. know what your overall goal/outcome is
  2. take actions
  3. monitor results you are getting
  4. tweaking to constant improvement toward the desired outcome

And all based on the premise of clearly knowing

  1. the benefits you provide
  2. who you want to help
  3. how you want to build the relationship

There is a plethora of information available to you

one of the best sources is Facebook Business. The links below are to the overall page and to the just-published Trends report filled with valuable information for different Topics of Purchasing trends

the 2018 Trends and Topics report link is here

someone said "knowledge is power" but only "Applied Knowledge is Power"

Learn - Serve - Prosper!


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