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😊30-Day Business Challenge Day 1 - setting up the project (The project management tools)


Day 1 of my 30-day business boost challenge.

day 1:

Project layout

The project management tools I mentioned are: 

I find Quire to be the easiest for beginners and is free

😊30-Day Business Challenge Day 1
By not flying to Germany for Christmas I am paying a high price that needs to give me a result that will justify at least in some way that I'll be away from my family.
If you know me a bit, you've experienced that I live my calling in the deepest fulfillment in my work.
So the only way I will be in peace with my decision of staying here is to create a new piece of my work.
So, I assigned myself to a 30-day business boost challenge and you are invited to join me.
Do you want to boost your progress in 30 days? join me on the challenge. I'm going to boost my web-presence with a 30-day project.

I'll be sharing what I do and I love to hear from you.




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